Understanding Your Product & Presentation

Among the many uses for Life Insurance in our industry, Guaranteed Issue & First Day Coverage Final Expense

 Whole Life is the only indemnity product a Canned or Memorized Sales Presentation is easily utilized. For our younger sales representatives, a Canned Presentation is a single use, carefully worded and memorized script.  When a salesperson exercises use of this script during their prospect’s meeting, they’re expressing the exact intent of the original author.  When deployed properly, any salesperson typically persuades their prospect to buy. 

Many years ago, Sales Managers directing sales organizations which marketed pricey goods & services such as Pre-Funeral /Burial, Office & Telephone Equipment and even Home Improvement preferred their representatives to memorize and deliver one specific presentation outlining their offering. Delivery of a specific presentation ensures both the company & sales manager’s message is constantly delivered.  It always guarantees a higher percentage of sales success.  

Our product buyer is the middle aged to senior life insurance market. These are folks who typically never purchased any life insurance protection when they were younger or have an older term policy which has or is about to expire. Their death and the cost burden of a funeral and other expenses on their family has prompted them to seek protection for this event. Of course our leads indicate this. Our contracted carriers have developed a Guaranteed Issue Insurance Product for those older persons needing protection.  Under normal circumstances, these older prospects would find it difficult to impossible obtain life insurance protection in the traditional marketplace.  

To guarantee your success, I have developed and successfully utilized the following Prospect Specific Final Expense Insurance Sales Presentation. This ten-minute Presentation utilizes a carefully directed Question & Answer Conversation along with Prospect Specific Sales Props which immediately motivates your prospect into purchasing coverage. When deployed exactly as written, you will enjoy closing 8 out of 10 set sales appointments. Subsequently, your call back or return rate on the other 20%, will elevate your close percentage to 90%. If you doubt my assertion, I’ll be more than happy to send you a picture of my Family Home. We recently downsized when my Son graduated college and moved to Texas. I beleive the picture will make my point. Regardless, I look forward to you getting started and recognizing the strength of this presentation combined with your sales abilities. 

I’ve been a Salesperson for all of my adult life, 45 years.

Today, most sales people “peddle” their product using a haphazard conversational delivery method, selling their product and not their prospect.  Many Sales Managers today spend more time on the benefits of their product and no longer teach sales techniques. More times than not, even today’s younger sales managers don’t know their value and focus on Product and not Prospect. 

When I hear the common phrase Sales is all about selling yourself”, I find it laughable. Yes, it certainly helps, but your more successful Salespeople are never the life of the party or even personable. Your most prosperous sales representatives are Grinders with their own technique and understand and employ the art of “The Reverse”. Using The Reverse is a technique deployed during a Sales Presentation which will destress your prospect and produce a desired emotional response. It’s at this point during your discussion, your prospect will feel guilt, want, or even immediate need. It prompts them into agreeing to the benefit of your product and finally buying in order to relieve their concern.

When I was a teen and began my career in sales, I trained using  a “Canned Sales Presentation”. My Father founded the first Emergency Communications Company in the country called Med-A-Lert. While home on leave from the Air Force for 30 days in 1982,  I memorized their Presentation and began running leads. With zero inside sales experience, I was surprised to find my Father’s words produced the desired response in the seniors I met with. Long story short, I walked out with a dozen checks that month.  The methods learned in 1982 are the same I use today. As a comparison, many of our more successful Broadway and Motion Picture Actors enjoy their success by committing to memory and reciting words written by a playwright or screenwriter. When delivered, those written lines prompt different emotions in their audience members.  The laughter and sadness fostered is exactly where the Writer & Director intended.  A Director, like a Sales Manager, knows your script and works with the actor on mastering its delivery. As your Sales Manager, you can expect my complete support since I will expect your expert delivery of our CIG Prospect Specific Final Expense Presentation.

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